What does it mean to meet people where they are?

Author: Pastor Kalen Brown

We understand that God has met everyone of us at our point of need. Because of our broken and sinful humanity, we need a savior. He did it lovingly and willingly by kindly sending His Son, not to condemn us, but rather to forgive us and we receive that gift through faith.

So how can we extend that same grace to others? Does that mean we have to agree with people’s every choice? Does that mean we have to align on every opinion? The answer is, of course, no. To disagree with or advise with different options does not mean that you hate or are unloving toward people. We are to speak truth in love. Jesus himself, after meeting the women caught in adultery, said she did not have to be controlled by sin anymore. So we accept people for who they are, created and loved by God; people who need to know God’s love.


We can offer compassion without compromise and mercy without judgement; which is best left up to Jesus anyway! The key to reaching out to people is to meet them with welcome arms, a listening ear and heart to feel their anguish without feeling like we need to fix them! That comes with the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit as we point people to Jesus by walking with them right where they are, often times, in difficult circumstances. 


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