Keep Your Eyes on the Lord
“A Church For The City Devotional”
Matthew 14:22-32
The disciple Peter is often ridiculed by modern Christians for his character flaws so prominently on display in the gospels. There he goes again, putting his foot in his mouth! Classic Peter with his short fuse and denial of Jesus! The story of Jesus inviting Peter to join Him on the waves is no exception. Sometimes we approach this story with the thought that if only Peter had kept his eyes on Jesus! Then he would have been able to walk on the water! Here’s the little detail we often overlook: Peter did walk on the water! He joined Jesus amid the storm and walked toward the Master. Unfortunately, Peter did lose focus and ended up sinking. “But when he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid” (v. 30).
We, like Peter, can lose sight of our Lord and become focused on the strength of the winds and waves that bombard our everyday lives. We succumb to the pressures and overwhelming circumstances we face and forget to put our trust in the One who is mightier than any obstacle.
When Peter began to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” (v. 30). Despite taking his eyes off Jesus, he knew who would be there to rescue him as he sank. I would like to encourage us to step out of the boat onto the waves, calling out to Jesus when we feel ourselves distracted and overcome by our surroundings.
Jesus, please forgive us for being distracted by our circumstances. We place our eyes on You and our trust in You. Please give us the boldness to join you on the waves and we thank you for lifting us up when we sink. Amen.