The Gospel Is For Everyone

Author: Jodi Gardner

“No matter what; we speak life, we give hope. 

Sometimes it is easy to lay down the law of do’s and do nots

but we prefer to live by values not regulations! 

The gospel is good news! 

Jesus came to give life and hope! 

The very reason we can even live for God is by the grace of Jesus who paved the way

 and the Holy Spirit who empowers us to accomplish it! 

So we remind each other who we are in Christ and encourage each other with the words, 

‘You can do this, God is for you!’” – Church For The City Value

“No matter what, we speak life.” That is truly what the Gospel of Christ is about… not only evangelizing eternal life but also empowering everyone to experience God’s grace here and now. God did not call us to be alienated nor shamed. That is what the enemy of our souls’ does. That is how we develop cliques, hate crimes, us versus them mentalities, and socio-economic statuses. The gospel truly is the good news, which frees you and I from superimposed realities of personal versions of hell on Earth. 

I have been honored to advocate before legislatures (wearing a pin-striped suit), counsel children of society’s elite, as well as live among those marginalized based upon religious beliefs, nationalities, generational poverty and shame, criminal history, addictions, mental illness, and trauma-related survival behaviors. I can attest wherever God positioned me, He saw the value in each person. 

Most of us have read the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-11:

3Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

5Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled.

7Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.

8Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

9Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.

10Blessed are those persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

However, have we genuinely considered who are “those who are blessed …”? Some of the most hurting people I have met sat next to me every Sunday, singing songs of praise without knowing the power of His grace. Some of the most Spirit-filled preachers I have encountered live on the streets and proclaim the Gospel because it is so very real for them (often between cuss words and slurred speech). Frankly, every human being at one time or another is the poor in spirit, the mourner, the meek, the one starved to know the righteous love of God, and so on. 

Occasionally, I share prophetic messages God provides for the congregation about despair, shame, hopelessness, grief, obedience, or injustice. However, He never leaves the message at just that; He always provides the “for they will be” part. Our church-body consists of folks who are single or maintain large households; reside in sober recovery houses; have been sex-trafficked; as well as those who live on fixed incomes or own multiple vacation-properties. Over the years, God revealed the depth of shame, guilt, self-hatred, bitterness, isolation, pain, and vulnerability most individuals bear. None of us can escape human emotions. He cares about each of us regardless of our circumstances, positions in life, financial availabilities, sex (or gender preferences), criminal histories, past or current addictions, etc. So when we say “The gospel is good news! Jesus came to give life and hope! The very reason we can even live for God is by the grace of Jesus who paved the way and the Holy Spirit who empowers us to accomplish it!”, we understand the importance of embracing each individual uniquely; just as, Christ loves each of us intimately. 

The greatest complements I ever received were from three extremely different people. The first was a young man with addictions, who slept in a coffin, and practiced witchcraft. (FYI: without preaching Christianity at/to him, he gave up his coffin; moved out of his coven house; and bravely walked into a church then ran back out but intended to try again.) The second was a member of society’s economically and socially elite. The third was a homeless, addicted, trafficked, Native American girl, who stole to feed her habit and for food. All three said they never felt judged by me. I explained, they were experiencing the love of the Holy Spirit, Who dwells in His children. Christ left His Spirit with us to offer life, hope, and empowerment for others to be who they truly are. Our identities are not established by earthly-defined characteristics, but rather on Who God is and who He created us to be. He created these three magnificent people to know His love; to embrace they are loved and lovable; to accept He wants not only to spend eternity with them but also everyday life; and to realize He sees them redeemed and whole through the blood of Christ.  

God exposed their earthly self-beliefs in order to reveal their true identities. He just happened to use my loud, laughing, quirky, outspoken, and compassionate mouth to reach them. He wanted them to know more than anything He loved them. He wants more than anything for you to know that YOU ARE LOVED AND LOVABLE! You are love-able. You are able to receive unbiased, truthful, uplifting, empowering, corrective love; just as, you are able to give wholesome, untainted love with healthy boundaries.  

Whether you just stumbled on this blog; you were checking out what Church For The City is all about, or you faithfully attend our little family of misfits of every sort, this message is for you! He cared enough about you to live as a human being (with all it is ups and downs for 33 years) and then experienced a brutal death to bring you Home to Himself. He also declares through His blood, you are “good enough” to be a child, bride, friend, brother/sister, princess/prince, and warrior for Him. He desires each of us to live from a place of wholeness in Him, with the power and authority of our true identity in Him! 


Ever Open-Handed


Why I Evangelize