What Is The Church?
Author: Jeff Rodin
I grew up in the church. Church was not just a Sunday morning experience; church was around me every day. Being a pastor’s kid meant that church was an integral part of my informative years. I loved being in church and I took church seriously. I made it part of my life - at our little church building, at home, and I carried it with me into my school, workplace, and community. I was not only part of the church, but the church was also part of me.
As I have gotten older, I ask myself, when I think about church today, what do I think of when I hear the word “CHURCH”?
Do you remember as a child linking your fingers together and saying: “here is the church .... here is the steeple .... open the doors .... see all the people”? While that is a cute illustration, that is not the church.
How about that brick building on the corner of Wicks and Lake Elmo? The sign does say “Church for the City” - Well, that is a church (and a very good one at that) - however, it is a building made of brick and mortar - it is not the church.
So, what is the CHURCH?
As the hymnist S.J. Stone wrote in 1866, “The Church’s one foundation, is Jesus Christ, The Lord.” Christ Jesus is the foundation, the plumb line, the centerpiece, and focal point that is the standard to align our faith and our actions upon (Zechariah 4:8-10 and Amos 7:7-8). Jesus Christ is the Word that all creation was built upon - ‘nothing was created except through Him.’ (John 1:1-5) It is all about Jesus, He has set the church free and fulfilled the covenants. His teaching offer hope and tell us how to live. He carried the sins of the church to the cross at Calvary - suffered, died, and was buried. He defeated death and rose again in glorious resurrection. He is alive and sitting on His throne in Heaven. His words still speak, and He still moves among the church. When the church turns its eyes upon Jesus, when looking fully upon His wonderful face, everything of this earth (the brokenness, the chaos, the sins) begin to fade. The church sees His glory and the church worships the Son of God. Without Christ, there is no church.
When we are in the church, we are at home. I know, as Jim Reeves and others have sung over the years, “This world is not my home, I am just passing through” and in the meantime, the church gives us a glimpse of heaven - our true home. The church feels like home. It is a place to find shelter, to gather in fellowship, it provides nourishment, and is a place to have fun. The words of Audio Adrenaline states that our Father’s House has room enough for everyone, enough food to feed everyone, and a big, big yard “where we can play football”. In the church, people feel safe, wanted, and welcome - the doors are open for anyone to enter. In 1880, Will L Thompson wrote these words, “Come home, come home, ye who are weary come home” The church is home for everyone. (Matthew 7:25, Psalms 91:1-2, John 14.2, 2 Corinthians 5:1)
The church is unique - set apart from, and part of, this world. When society sees the church, they recognize that the church is different - by its actions, the church is inviting and convicting - the actions of the church preach the Gospel and faith is made alive in the works of the church. People may not know what makes the church different - maybe they will see something and say, “I don’t know what it is, but I want what they have.” The words of Micah Tyler’s song resonates this truth, “God moves our heart to be set apart” that the church carries a “fire so bright that the whole world can see that there’s something different” The church is a reflection of His glory and people see Jesus when they see the church. (Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 2:9, Deuteronomy 7:6, James 2:26)
The church is not an ivory tower for the perfect nor a country club for those that have it all put together. No, the church is a community of outcasts - the broken hearted, the lost, the rejected, and the sinners. The world can be a dark place. Sometimes all that can be seen is the brokenness - in the world, and also in ourselves. At times, people in anguish cry out ‘I am not worthy to be part of ....’ That is what is wonderful about the church - none of us are worthy, no not even one. We are reminded that Jesus came to this world to redeem our souls, to find the lost, to heal the sick, to mend the broken, to make clear the path to righteousness. Matthew West tells us that, while we may see our brokenness, God sees the mended. The church is where this is found. When people come to the church - the church offers hope. When people feel hope, they can find joy. With joy comes healing and restoration. The church does not stay in the brokenness of sin. As Big Daddy Weave shares, the church is a place where we can shake off the heavy chains and the stains of our past are wiped clean. The church is redeemed by His glory - the church is called to tell our stories of redemption and renewal of our spirit. (John 3:16, Ephesians 1:7, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Colossians 1:13-14, Acts 3:19, Psalms 107:2-3)
Humans were created in His image and chosen before the foundations of the earth was formed. With the fear of the Lord and reverence to Him the church has been given the right to be called the children of God and are lead by the Holy Spirit. The church is where two or more are gathered in Jesus’ name - knowing that He has chosen to be there also. The church knows the voice of the Shepherd and follow where He leads. The church is chosen to be in community, with a Christ-centered purpose, a powerful force that can overcome the world. (Genesis 1: 27, John 1:12, Matthew 18:20, Romans 8:14, Galatians 3:26, Ephesians 1:4, John 10:4)
The church is the body of Christ followers who have humbled themselves before the Lord - with eyes focused on Christ and doing what pleases Him, Humility is sometimes described to mean thinking less of oneself. The church changes that narrative by saying that humility is thinking of oneself less. The church sees the needs of others and does what it can to lift up, encourage, support, and take care of others (without expecting anything in return). In this way, the church is expressing humility. The church is willing to sacrifice itself (giving of time, money, possessions, and prayer) to benefit others. God loves humble and prayer-filled hearts. He will lift them up. Jesus tells that when the church feeds the hungry, comforts the sick, visits those in prison, when the church helps those in need, these acts are done for and to Him. As country singer Tim McGraw wrote “When you get to where you are going, don’t forget to turn back around, help the next one in line, and always stay humble and kind.” The church does not boast, except in the cross and saving grace of Jesus. (Matthew 25:34-40, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, James 1:21-22, James 4:10, Philippians 2:3, Galatians 6:14, Ephesians 2:8-9)
So, what is the CHURCH? The Church is:
Christ centered
Unique and set apart
Restored, renewed, and redeemed
Chosen as Children of God
I ask myself - am I part of THE CHURCH? Am I? My prayer is that people see the church in me - that when they see me, they see the reflection of Christ in me. I am striving to go back to the days when church was alive in me.
Cochran & Co says it all in their worship song:
“Take me back to a place that feels like home - to the people I can depend on - to the place that’s in my bones - Take me back to a preacher and a verse - where they have seen me at my worst - to the love I had a first - oh I want to go to CHURCH”